2024 CBC/NB Joy Award Winner Kris Rogers
"New Brunswick independent filmmakers and video artists need our support, now more than ever," says Tony Merzetti, Executive Director of the New Brunswick Filmmakers Co-op.
The Joy Awards, besides being a recognition of merit, helps emerging filmmakers finish short film project which reflect their own creative vision without compromise. These projects help establish their reputation and credibility and provide important networking and contact opportunities, as they build ongoing careers in the field.
CBC/New Brunswick Joy ($5000):
$2,500 in cash from CBC
$1,000 in cash from New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-operative
$1,500 in equipment or facilities from the New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-operative (at staff’s discretion).
Submission deadline: October 10, 2025. The winner will be announced at the annual Silver Wave Film Festival in November.
Email your submission to info@nbfilmcoop.com the following:
properly formatted script (PDF)
small budget in Word or RTF which includes equipment, crew, cast and all expenses (catering etc..), core crew list, director's bio, synopsis of film, time line, hopes and dreams for the film in distribution, resumes (optional), poster (optional), story boards (optional), music (optional), online film links (optional) etc.
Natalie Dobbin is Senior Producer of Creative Content for CBC Atlantic. She works with independent producers and creators in a variety of ways, including through Absolutely Canadian Atlantic, Atlantic Voice, Creator Network, Land and Sea Maritimes and East Coast Music Hour.
Recent New Brunswick Joy Awards have gone to New Brunswick filmmaker's Britany Sparrow, Lex Gigeroff, Joel Thompson, Tim Rayne, Linda Rae Dornan, Chris Giles, Glendon McKinney, Pierre Huard, Shawn Henry, Fonya Irvine, Amy Bourgaize, Andrew Long, Jillian Acreman, Kaitlyn Adair, Jared Carney, Arianna Martinez, Ariana Marquis, and Rebecca Tremblay.