Brenda Malley’s Short Film Venture Film Chuppah.
Important Dates: Will be updated for 2025
Application Deadline May 17, 2024
Short-list: June 14, 2024
Revised script: July 12, 2024
Recipient notification date: August 2, 2024
Completion date: March 31, 2025 (Extensions can be requested)
What is the Short Film Venture Program?
The Short Film Venture Program (SFVP) assists emerging New Brunswick filmmakers who have a serious interest in establishing a career in filmmaking and in producing a “calling card” film.
If you are an emerging filmmaker, one of the ways to make a name for yourself is with a great short film; one that will highlight your talent, be seen and prove to people that you have what it takes.
If you are selected, you will have the chance to train with some of New Brunswick’s well-known filmmakers. In addition, your film could be chosen to showcase, with a premiere screening at a New Brunswick Film Festival.
Please contact NB Film Co-op Executive Director Tony Merzetti at: for all inquiries.
Note: Scripts over ten minutes will automatically be disqualified for jury consideration. Filmmakers that make substantially longer films with the grant may not receive their full funding.
Who can apply?
• An eligible applicant is an individual who was a resident in New Brunswick for at least one year preceding the application deadline.
• Applicants must maintain creative and financial control over the project and own all copyright in it.
• Applicants are permitted to apply with only one (1) submission per year.
• Previous applicants that were not recipients of a SFVP grant are eligible to apply with new projects only.
• Applicants must take the required film workshops offered by the NB Filmmakers' Co-operative or present proof of equivalent film experience.
• Applicants must not be currently enrolled in any full-time school or university program.
The project must be:
• Ten (10) minutes or less.
• Fictional in nature (this can include parts of comedy, animation, and docu-drama).
• The medium, theme, and subject matter are up to the applicant, provided the project is suitable for general audiences.
• The project must utilize production resources (crew, cast, equipment) available within New Brunswick. Permission must be sought to utilize outside resources.
• Projects not accepted: Experimental, animation, documentary or commissioned films will not be considered. Projects must not have started before the SFVP call date.
Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture and Telefilm Canada contribution:
• The Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture and Telefilm Canada’s contribution is limited to 30% of the total cost of the project up to a maximum of $6,000 for digital projects and $8,000 for celluloid-based projects. The funds will be disbursed as follows:
– 70% of the contribution when requested 2 months prior to production phase on the condition of receiving production info on confirmed core crew, locked locations, and confirmed equipment booking.
– 30% upon receipt of the fine cut copy, final cost report.
• Marketing online strategy – a grant of $1,000 to develop an online strategy for the film is contingent on attendance of a compulsory marketing online strategy workshop, and will be disbursed as follows:
– 100% of the grant upon successful completion of marketing/online strategy workshop, creation of online strategy and completion of the film
• A minimum of 10% of the production budget must be invested in cash. The 10% can come from other funding sources such as the Canada Council, NB Arts Board, Telefilm Canada, personal funds, family, and friends.
• Applications are due on May 17, 2024. No exceptions.
• On June 14, 2024, applicants will be notified if they have been placed on the shortlist. If so, they will receive script notes. They will also be contacted by the SFVP team to discuss the script notes and the next steps required in the development of their projects.
• The applicant will have until July 12, 2024, to work on revisions to their script. As the SFVP is a professional development opportunity, it is important that applicants be open to professional feedback as the process is intended to mirror the process that filmmakers will go through in the real world with funders and broadcasters.
• On Aug 2, 2024, short listed applicants will be notified if their application is successful. If a recipient does not have the required training, they will receive a letter confirming their conditional acceptance to receive a grant. When they have confirmation of training, they will receive a confirmation of their grant.
• The New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-operative is charged with administering the program and will be the contact to submit update reports and to receive grant drawdowns during the process. The recipient can submit their final project and financial and written report at any time over the next year and request the second instalment of their grant. See deliverables in guidelines and frequently asked questions section.
• On March 31, 2025, all deliverables of the project will be due although extensions can be requested. This includes a copy of the finished film
Training and Mentorship:
• The SFVP is a professional development opportunity and one of its goals is to ensure participants have sufficient training to successfully undertake their projects. The applicant must meet the training requirement.
• The NB Film Co-op offers an annual professional development program that commences in early February. It offers 5 required workshops that are mandatory for SFVP applicants. The sessions are screenwriting, directing, production management/assistant director, production design, editing). Short Film Venture applicants will be granted free entry to required NB Film Co-op workshops.
• Marketing/online strategy workshop – Workshop taught by marketing strategist is compulsory for all SFVP grant recipients as a digital strategy document is an integral part of the SFVP grant. A one-on-one strategy session may be included.
• Applicants can provide proof of equivalent training through enrolment in university, college, private school film programs, other film co-op workshops or other training courses.
• A new mentorship program is available through the NB Film Co-op in 2024 for SFVP recipients. A mentorship is a relationship between 2 people where an individual with more experience, knowledge and connections can pass along what they have learned to an individual emerging within a certain field.