Photo of the crew and cast from the most recent NB Telefilm Talent to Watch feature film project: Do I Know You From Somewhere? (Awarded film team: Film Co-op members Arianna Martinez, Gordon Mihan, and Lance Blakney)
Recommendation Phase Application for NB
Deadline: April 7, 2025 11:59 p.m. to info@nbfilmcoop.com
Telefilm’s Latest Feature Film Guidelines and Documents (2025)
General Information
The NB Film Co-op is pleased to announce the latest guidelines for the Industry Partner Stream of Telefilm Canada’s Talent to Watch program 2025. Talent to Watch supports emerging filmmakers looking to finance the production stage of their first feature film project. As an Industry Partner, the NB Film Co-op can nominate one application in the Main component, one application in the Indigenous component, and one application in the French component.
Filmmakers have until April 7, 11:59 pm, to submit their application to the NB Film Co-op. After that, a peer jury will make recommendation decisions.
Teams recommended by the NB Film Co-op will then re-apply to Telefilm to be considered in the national competition. Successful candidates from the national competition will receive $250,000 for fictional features and $150,000 for documentary features in funding from Telefilm and a mentorship program to support the film’s production offered through the National Screen Institute.
WIFT-AT members in New Brunswick may also apply to Women in Film and Television – Atlantic as they are also Industry Partners. There are also some national organizations based in other provinces that you may be eligible to apply to. You can view the complete list on the Telefilm website.
There are two streams that do not need a recommendation from the NB Film Co-op through which filmmakers can apply directly to Telefilm: the Stream for Underrepresented Filmmakers and the Festival Selection Stream. Please visit the Telefilm website for more information about qualifying for those streams.
NB Film Co-op’s Application Process:
Team Eligibility
The key members (producer, writer, and director) of the creative teams of all eligible projects must
be current NB Film Co-op members (must be Full members).
be Canadian citizens, within the definition of the Citizenship Act, or permanent residents within the definition of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
be residents of New Brunswick (residing within New Brunswick for at least six months of the last calendar year);
be emerging talent, i.e., they must have previously produced, directed, and/or written at least a short film (30 minutes or less), web productions, television, commercials, music videos, or equivalent experience in the screen-based industry.
Furthermore, they cannot have previously held the same key position on a feature film (75 minutes or longer)
Note that producers who have previously produced one feature film that has received funding under this Program (formerly known as the “Micro-Budget Production Program”) are also considered emerging talent. Additionally, Telefilm will show flexibility in the eligibility evaluation of key creatives who have previously produced, written, or directed a feature film project of micro-budget scope* funded outside of this Program and had a limited release.
*Examples of this type of project: self-financed films or films produced within a festival incubator or school program.
Project Eligibility
This fund supports fictional and documentary projects. The films must be produced in English, French, or an Indigenous language* and must be 75 minutes or more in length.
*Enquire with the NB Film Co-op if you’re thinking of applying with a project in another language not listed.
To Apply
Please complete the online Application Form and submit the following required materials by April 7, 2025.
Your application must contain the following:
1) Completed Screenplay suitable for a feature film
2) Presentation Video
• A downloadable pitch video of a maximum of 5 minutes that will:
a) state the project’s working title.
b) identify the genre, the type, and the length of the project.
c) identify the key creative team involved in the project and their individual track records (including samples of past work if applicable or relevant).
d) provide a brief synopsis of the story from beginning to end.
e) outline the creative team’s vision/visual treatment of the material.
f) outline any other relevant information that sets the project apart (e.g., personal connection to the story material, confirmed appearance by an established actor, successful crowdfunding campaign, relationship with VFX professionals or animators).
g) identify the target audience.
h) include a 1-minute segment of the director’s previous short films.
Note: The video must NOT include footage from other projects that are not the team’s own work.
3) Project Synopsis (max 750 words)
4) Director Vision (max three pages)
5) Promotion and Distribution Plan (max two pages)
This document must identify the project’s audience (age, sex, sensibility, culture, etc.). It must also identify how the team will find and access this audience and why they will connect with the project.
6) Track Record for Producer, Writer, and Director (see template)
7) Production Schedule (from pre-production to release)
The schedule should indicate how the team plans to start principal photography within 18 months of being selected by Telefilm at the national level.
8) Budget Top Sheet (see template)
9) Financing Structure
Telefilm provides a non-repayable contribution of $250,000 for fictional films and $150,000 for documentaries. Other potential sources of funding might include the Province of New Brunswick, artsnb, or team fundraising. The total financing for the project cannot exceed $500,000.
10) Community Engagement Plan (if applicable)
This document is an opportunity for the filmmaking team to demonstrate a plan for how they will responsibly engage with any underrepresented communities. What is the project’s community impact?
Projects submitted to the NB Film Co-op will be evaluated by a peer jury of local filmmakers and film professionals based outside the province.
Jury members will be asked to consider the following criteria when making their decision:
Creative Potential – the quality, originality, and innovativeness of the creative content;
Participant Suitability – the track record of the creative team
Project Feasibility – the feasibility of the production and the production readiness of the project.
Questions: Cat LeBlanc – info@nbfilmcoop.com