Photo of NBFC supported music video, "Better If You Weren't by Emmett Rans of Saint John, NB.

NBFC Short Film Production Grant

Deadline: Open 

Eligible applicants: Full members in good standing. (Volunteer hours put in, specific required workshops taken.)

Members can apply for assistance to do short film/video projects.

Click Here for the online submission form.

Click Here for the most recent Film Co-op Equipment List for members (pdf) 

Click Here for Production Policy (pdf)


The NB Film Co-op’s Bolex Camera.

Bolex/Super 8 Film Scholarship

Deadline: Open (one grant awarded annually)

A film incentive to give members the opportunity to further explore the world of Bolex or Super 8 by shooting a film from start to finish on film. Each movie must be 2/12 minutes or less in duration.

Eligible applicants: Full members in good standing. (Volunteer hours put in, specific required workshops taken.)

Award composition:

($400.00 in value)

Use of Co-op bolex/super 8 camera and additional supplemental materials at no charge

2 rolls of film (100 feet each)
Transfer to tape costs will be covered by Co-op

Free one-on-one training with instructor as necessary

Bolex/super 8 production information

Submission Process:
A current creative resumé

A one-page description of the proposed project (Word or PDF).


The late great filmmaker Errol Williams.

Design by Oliver Owen

Design by Oliver Owen


Design by Oliver Owen

Errol Williams Filmmaker Award

Deadline: August 1, 2024 (one grant awarded annually)

Purpose: To support the production of a short film no longer than 10 minutes.

Eligible applicants: New Brunswick residents who are black and people of colour.

Films can be short dramas or documentaries.

Award composition:

$400 cash from Errol Williams Fund

$300 cash from the NB Film Co-op

$300 from the Jane LeBlanc Legacy Fund (for film mentor)

$800 in-kind (equipment)

$200 in-kind (ten professional development workshops)

Submission Process: Applicants submit the following materials by email (Word or PDF documents) :

Applicant's bio or background: Tell us who you are.

Treatment for story or script: Tell us your story.

Director's Statement: Why do you want to do this project, why is it important to you? 


Errol Williams was a pioneer filmmaker who was introduced to filmmaking at the NB Film Co-op in the late 1980’s. He produced dramas and documentaries. After his untimely death in 2007, a special award was set up in his honour by his friends Chris Campbell and Tony Merzetti.


Telling Our Stories - 2SLGBTQIA+ FILM GRANT

Deadline: Open (one submission is chosen annually)

A film incentive to give NB 2SLGBTQIA+ filmmakers the opportunity to make a short film (up to 5 minutes).

Eligible applicants: NB 2SLGBTQIA+ filmmakers.

Award composition:

$500.00 Cash

Small Equipment Package

Hands on Mentorship

Complimentary Workshops

Script Development/Story Editor Assistance

Submission Process:
A current creative resumé or information about the submitter and their creative experience whether self-taught or formal

A one-page description of the proposed project and treatment or script (Word or PDF).

Email submissions to:



Deadline: Open (one submission is chosen annually)

A film incentive to give NB Indigenous filmmakers the opportunity to make a short film (up to 5 minutes).

Eligible applicants: NB Indigenous Filmmakers.

Award composition:

$500.00 Cash

Small Equipment Package

Hands on Mentorship

Complimentary Workshops

Script Development/Story Editor Assistance

Submission Process:

A current creative resumé or information about the submitter and their creative experience whether self-taught or formal

A one-page description of the proposed project and treatment or script (Word or PDF).

Email submissions to: