Filmmaker Brian Carty


Brian Carty

Every member, sponsor and supporter of the NB Film Co-op receives a weekly bulletin via email. There are now 5000 plus world wide on the NBFC e-news listserv.

The e-news contains information about what's going on at the NB Film Co-op and in the wider film & video community, including all upcoming workshops, screenings, crew opportunities, and social events that are open to the members and the public.

The e-news provides the opportunity for Co-op members and others working in film and tv to write articles on their ongoing productions and their reflections on film and video as a medium

To be added to the list, please contact the Membership Services Director at info@nbfilmcoop.com

RECENT Back issues

CLICK HERE (2025-2024)

“In 1985, the production of The Spectre of Rexton was a monumental undertaking for a fledgling film centre with so many inexperienced members. The film was a half-hour drama far surpassing the length of any work produced at the co-op up to that time. It was a period film requiring antique cars, special effects and numerous actors and locations. What the crew lacked in knowledge, they made up for in enthusiasm.”
— Tony Merzetti

Logo created by previous President, John Christenson