The NB Film Co-op is a non-profit, charitable organization involved in the production of 16mm and HD films. It is into its 45th year of operation! The New Brunswick Filmmakers' Co-op is a fully equipped film/video training centre open to anyone who is 16 years of age and up who is interested in developing skills in film/video production.
The Co-op provides broad-ranging support (workshops/training, creative support and mentoring, grant writing assistance, equipment, human resources, socials, informal writer/director/actor labs) It also presents diverse quality films and videos through its annual provincial Film Festival.
The Co-op also seeks to develop the talents and amplify the voices of NB artists who are looking for the opportunity to express their views in film and video. It is an inclusive and welcoming community that seeks to encourage diverse voices to share their stories. The Co-op does not produce projects for people. Co-op members produce their own projects once they have fulfilled the membership requirements.
These are our objectives as an organization:
- To provide a facility & equipment pool to those seriously interested in 16mm film and digital video production;
- To offer an environment in which members can learn skills needed to make a film or video;
- To provide professional development workshops that teach new skills;
- To be an active voice in the promotion of independent film/video in New Brunswick.
““Few experiences in life can match the New Brunswick Filmmakers Co-operative for being time well spent. To be a filmmaker, forget the political cinema theory du jour. You need innovation, the ability to improvise on the fly, imagination and above all, the self control not to crack when it all falls apart.””
““The NB Film Co-op is based on the principles of the co-operative spirit, community building and honest creative endeavour which is put into play daily by staff and members as part of the Co-op’s mandate.” ”