On March 01, 1979, the New Brunswick Filmmakers' Co-operative came into existence. The early years brought together a group of New Brunswick filmmakers, provided them with a pool of equipment, working space and a sense of camaraderie. It also offered basic workshops.
When many of the pioneer filmmakers moved away, a new wave of filmmakers arrived. The Co-op's equipment resources grew to include an Eclair NPR camera, a Nagra tape recorder and a Steenbeck flat editing table.
Workshops were offered with NB and outside professionals such as: Kevin Matthews, Tony Merzetti, Janet Clarke, Chris Campbell, Errol Williams, Bill MacGillivray, Don McBrearty, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, and Giles Walker.
Today the Co-op boasts a membership of 220 strong. It's equipment resource has also grown to include a Super 16 AATON XTR, non-linear sound editing suites, and picture editing suites as well as digital cameras and the latest HD technology..
The Co-op is also a member of the Independent Media Arts Alliance of Canada. The Alliance represents over 120 film, video, exhibition and distribution centres throughout Canada. www.imaa.ca