The Dream Takes Root - Part 1

By Jenna Bourque

From a young age, I found solace and inspiration in captivating stories. Escaping into these worlds, putting myself in these great adventures and finding characters to befriend, I discovered a passion for storytelling that would shape my aspirations for years to come.

In the early days of YouTube, I eagerly embraced the opportunity to express my creativity through fan made videos. With my quirky hobby, I learned basic editing skills to showcase my obsession for my favourite films and series set to mediocre songs. It was during this time that I stumbled upon Felicia Day's YouTube series, "The Guild," which ignited my fascination with the inner workings of the film industry.

My enthusiasm for filmmaking only deepened as I fell down the rabbit hole into behind-the-scenes documentaries and eagerly awaited the credit roll after every movie, always being the last one out of the theatres. Each viewing experience fueled my desire to see my own name grace the screen one day.

As my high school years drew to a close, I found myself yearning to pursue a formal education in film. Researching schools across the country, I set my sights on Toronto Film School, envisioning a future behind set. However, financial constraints and parental expectations dashed my hopes of attending.

I embarked on a different path, working in the customer service industry, eventually venturing across the country and exploring other continents. 

My passion for film remained a lingering thought that refused to be extinguished. It was reignited by a visit to Universal Studios in London. There, amidst the props and sets of beloved childhood films (Harry Potter), I found myself once again captivated by the magic of storytelling.

Returning to Canada, I faced the daunting task of charting a path into the film industry. Battling social anxiety, I struggled to navigate the world of networking, unsure of where to begin. Yet, my desire to connect with fellow filmmakers and immerse myself in the industry led me to reconsider film school, thinking it would be an excellent way to meet people and send me down the right path. 

Choosing Vancouver over Toronto or any other city for film school boiled down to a simple yet profound factor: mountains. Vancouver's stunning natural landscape, dominated by majestic peaks, held an allure that captivated me.

Back in 2016 during the Fort McMurray forest fire we decided to drive across Canada from Alberta to the East Coast since we were not allowed back into the small city for over a month. Having never set foot in Vancouver before, it presented an opportunity for exploration and discovery that I couldn't resist.

My brief visit to Toronto, that I made several years prior, left me underwhelmed. Whether it was the stress of the situation or the less-than-ideal weather, I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason for why I couldn’t enjoy the city. However, what became clear to me was that my decision wasn't swayed by the comparative growth of the film industry in either location.

Instead, it was simply the geographical charm of Vancouver, I wanted to see mountains again, Gandalf! 

In the end, my choice was driven by a desire for adventure of hikes, new horizons and the promise of a more sustainable city. 

With newfound determination, I applied to the Foundation program at Vancouver Film School, eager to embark on a new chapter of my chaotic life’s journey. I packed my bags and stepped foot out, yet, another door.